Everyone will be motivated by different things; therefore, it is absolutely essential that you find something that motivates you... because, I can assure you now, that you do not want to be the one standing there on results day thinking: 'I could have done better; if I had done more work.' OR 'I only failed because I wasn't motivated...' because I am afraid, that isn't what is going to get you into University - and that most certainly will not get you a job.
Therefore, I cannot stress how important it is that you have something that motivates you - this is why my advice, would be to set yourself a goal. Whether it be getting into University, getting a particular job - or even something as simple as doing your family proud. This goal will help you maintain your motivation throughout this stressful exam period; as well throughout the entire school year, hopefully.
Everyone knows that A levels can be so stressful; but, you just have to remember that you are
there for a reason - to get an education, only YOU can get the grades that you
need to get into University, or to get that job that you so badly want.
Even if you don't know what you want to do in the future, it doesn't matter
- just as long as you have something in the back of your mind that you are aiming for;
something to get you out of bed on a cold, rainy Tuesday morning - or to get
you to revise when your favourite programme is on TV.
I'm not saying that you won't lose your motivation every once in a while; because, believe me, EVERYONE loses it sometimes... even the most motivated people that you'll ever meet. It is just important that you set yourself a goal and try to stick to it; it doesn't matter if it changes a bit, just make sure that it is realistic and actually something that you want to achieve.
There is no point setting yourself and unrealistic goal - because this will just make you want to give up and not bother .. and start PROCRASTINATING!
All I can say about procrastination, is that it really is the thief of time - do not allow yourself to lose focus; especially when revising - if you feel yourself getting bored, tired or on the verge of giving up, TAKE A BREAK! Just take about 15 minutes to go for a walk, or get a drink - maybe listen to some music to help get yourself back into the mindset of wanting to succeed.
Just remember, at times - everyone wants to give up; but, the student life is all about motivation and resilience; there is no point thinking: 'I don't feel well, only have a cold - but I'll have a couple of days off...' because, I can assure you; the topic that you miss whilst you are 'ill' will be the one that comes up in the exam - it always is. If you do have a day off, at least catch up on notes; or speak to your teacher about the work that you have missed.
Finally, just remember to make sure that your goals are realistic and achievable - because, you do not want to be the one that fails because they 'couldn't be bothered' or 'had other things on...' because those excuses just aren't good enough I'm afraid.
Stay motivated, and keep revising :)
So this is my first blog; and I wanted to do something that is an accurate representation of my life. To be honest, the main thing that dominates my life at the moment is of course: EDUCATION.
I am currently a Year 12 student; which of course means AS!!!
As a year 12, I spend 7 hours at school each day, 5 days a week; this seems fine - just like any other school year... but, you know what, it isn't - not at all.
On top of my 7 hours a day at school; there is at least 2 hours of work when I get home; sometimes 3 or 4. Then, there is the weekends - a time that is supposed to be spent with family/friends; having fun in the sun (during our 2 day English summer)... as an A level student; my weekends no longer consist of 'laughs' and days out - they consist of homework, revision and essays.
And as someone who is studying essay-based subjects; I can tell you - essays are dull after a while... and that is coming from someone who enjoys writing essays - I love writing and being creative (hints this blog); and it's a good job I do - because if I didn't, I sure wouldn't be doing A levels anymore!
Okay so, as I said - I am studying essay-based subjects; these are: English Literature, Psychology, Sociology and Geography.
Quite frankly, these subjects can be incredibly daunting and pressurised at times... especially when you have a week to write an essay for each subject! But, the key to tough subjects is remembering your goal - I cannot stress quite how important it is to have an ambition/aspiration; whether it be to get into University, get a certain job or just to achieve a personal target.
This target will really help you pull through sixth form and maintain the motivation that you need to be a successful, high-achieving student.
Happy Revising!