Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Two years on... Second Year

Two years on and I am in a completely different place.

I have left school and I am in my second year of university studying an English BA.

First year was an absolute blur, it went by so fast that I could barely keep up. From nights out, to making new friends in seminars, last year was an absolute blast.

Freshers isn't what you expect it to be - yes, people go out, get drunk and have a good time, but it is so much more than that.

Freshers is a time in which you find yourself, yes, it sounds cheesy, but it is completely true. You make brand new friends, move in with them and have an absolutely fantastic time.

Your freshers year of uni is so much fun, especially in halls. Halls is like one massive community, everyone is new and attempting to become a new, improved person. You meet so many different people in halls, from all over the world, it really is fantastic. You will never experience anything like halls.

Moving away from home causes you to become independent and it makes you realise just how much you take for granted at home. Whether it be your mum's cooking or a warm house, it all becomes clear when you have to cook for yourself everyday and wear ten layers because you can't afford the electric bill.

University is an experience that in my opinion everyone should have. Yes you have to study hard and yes it is important for getting jobs afterwards; but it is also the best years of your life. You are in your prime academically and most likely physically, so take this opportunity by the collar and live it.

Looking back at my school life I realise just how easy everything was. People say that university is easier than school because you are only doing one or two subjects, this is one of the biggest lies you will ever hear. The context quadruples in difficulty and your free time quadruples too. Despite having so much free time, you will still never have enough to do all of the reading. AND no matter how far in advance you are set an assignment, you WILL do it in the last 48 hours.

Uni is amazing, make sure you make the most of it!