Friday, 23 January 2015

The Clock is Ticking Down...

The clock is ticking down with just four months to go. Students are beginning to feel the breath of exam stress on the back of their necks. Therefore, this can only mean one thing... EXAMS ARE COMING!

Being in my last year of school has made me realise just how far I have come over the past few years. After 14 years of school, consisting of blood, sweat and tears – it is time to completely knuckle down and strive for success. It is so important that revision is a student’s priority. If you put your social life before school, your grades WILL suffer.
So many students seem to forget that the clock is ticking down. They are too busy going out with friends, getting ‘drunk;’ rather than doing the work that they are supposed to be doing.
Therefore, I think that students seriously need to sort their priorities out and just get on with their school work.
Yes, it can be extraordinarily boring; going over and over the same old thing – but, at the end of the day – that ‘same old thing’ will make or break you.
It can be the difference between attending university, getting a first class degree and living in a council house living off virtually nothing via state benefits.
It is about time students were given the credit they deserved – maybe this would help to motivate them to succeed.
Students get such a bad reputation, purely because of a few irresponsible people in the past.
I suggest that people start treating students like adults, rather than children. We are asked to act like an adult, yet not treated like one – how is that fair?
Please, just treat us like adults and we will act like them.
We will work our butts off – deferred gratification will occur if we just keep working, gain motivation and again and strive for every success possible.